关于新宇礼品定制中心 | 客户案例
北京新宇定制服务 是北京新宇佳讯科技有限公司旗下主要业务窗口,公司成立于2003年,位于北京市海淀区中关村,成立十余年来,是海淀区A级信用企业,海淀国税一般纳税人企业,中国工商银行开户行资信良好信用单位,中国标准化协会会员单位,公司旗下新宇同城定制服务拥有多年的一站综合个性定制、礼品定制/直采全流程服务经验。
北京新宇定制服务 团队致力于构建快速有效的标准服务模式,为各行业用户提供一站、综合全流程综合个性定制、礼品定制/直采管家式服务,用我们既往的经验,为企业直接有效的降低该环节的运营成本,分担用户各种定制过程中不必要的繁琐,让用户更好的集中精力做有核心价值的事。
Beijing Xinyu intra city customization service is the main business window of Beijing Xinyu Jiaxun Technology Co., Ltd. the company was founded in 2003 and is located in Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing. Since its establishment for more than ten years, it is a class a credit enterprise in Haidian District, an enterprise of Haidian state tax general taxpayer, a credit unit with good credit standing in the opening bank of industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and a member of China Standardization Association, The company's Xinyu City customization service has many years of experience in one-stop comprehensive personalized customization, gift customization / direct purchase whole process service.
Beijing Xinyu intra city customization service team is committed to building a fast and effective standard service mode to provide users in various industries with one-stop, comprehensive and whole process personalized customization, gift customization / direct purchase butler services. With our previous experience, we can directly and effectively reduce the operating cost of this link for enterprises, share the unnecessary cumbersome process of users' customization, and let users better focus on doing things with core value.
Beijing Xinyu City customization service integrates nearly a thousand manufacturers in North China, East China and South China. For more than 10 years, it has focused on providing government agencies, large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions across the country with a professional integrated whole process service provider integrating supplies customization, gifts customization, promotional materials customization, packaging customization, audio-visual products customization, promotional products customization, convention and exhibition products customization, customization trusteeship, gift distribution, etc.